Summer Pasta Salad w/ Roasted Salmon and Tomatoes

Summer Salmon Pasta SaladI realize that’s it not yet Summer, but this recipe is one of my absolute favorite to make during the warmer months.  Usually I’ll make a massive batch for dinner Sunday night and then have leftovers for lunch the rest of the week.  I love this recipe because all of the ingredients are simple but flavorful.  And even if you do make it the night before, it still tastes light and fresh the next day (and throughout the week in my case).  I used wild salmon instead of tuna just because of personal preferences and roasted the fish simply because the thought of using a grill without fatherly supervision scares me and others.  This is a simple, clean entree either way, so just enjoy the goodness. :-)

“Wow.  That is fresh.”

Kiss Print Signature Just a Touch Too MuchSummer Pasta Salad w/ Roasted Salmon & TomatoesSummer Pasta Salad w/ Roasted Salmon & TomatoesSummer Pasta Salad w/ Roasted Salmon & TomatoesSummer Pasta Salad w/ Roasted Salmon & TomatoesSummer Pasta Salad w/ Roasted Salmon & TomatoesSummer Pasta Salad w/ Roasted Salmon & TomatoesSummer Pasta Salad w/ Roasted Salmon & TomatoesSummer Pasta Salad w/ Roasted Salmon & Tomatoes