Charleston’s food scene has been one of the most buzzed about foodie locales for several years now. While it’s not as diverse as Atlanta, there is just no competing with Charleston’s southern & seafood cuisine. Having been raised in the Charleston area myself, I’m a bit of a seafood snob for the simple reason that I’ve grown up around fresh, well-cooked seafood and southern fare. While I was home over the holidays, me and Meggie wanted to spend an evening shopping and gabbing all over King Street in Downtown Charleston. Having exercised ourselves and our credit cards, we stopped in at the Barony Tavern for a fanciful evening of good food and good cocktails.

Cocktails in Chucktown
Any meal that involves me and/or Meggie requires a cocktail to open. I was in need of something refreshing and light so the bartender obliged and made me a delicious French 75 that was so good I had to order another. Meggie, in the mood for something a bit stronger, had the Barony’s classic Manhattan. I had a sip myself and yowzas does it pack a punch. Neither of these drinks were messing around and definitely are not for the faint of heart. If you ever find yourself running around King Street, stop into the Barony’s bar, with it’s hunting club vibes, and drink like you’re one of the good ol’ boys.
Keep it Clean
Meggie has always been the more healthy-minded blonde of our little duo. So she went with the salmon on a bed of kale and splurged on a side of fries. The salmon was perfectly cooked (I couldn’t help but steal a bite). The Barony even kept their fries elevated by serving them with some of the best bearnaise sauce I have ever had. Seriously, I wanted to dip everything in that sauce. New rule, fries should always be served with a bearnaise sauce.
Play the Hits!
When I’m home in Charleston, I have an urge for the classics. She Crab Soup is a constant craving (of which Barony Tavern had a delicious version on their menu). But there’s one item I can never walk away from no matter where I am. Crab cakes. And Barony Tavern definitely didn’t disappoint here either. I ordered the Charleston Grits as a side item. If there’s only one thing you order from the Barony Tavern menu, it’s gotta be the grits. If the promise of mushrooms and garlic doesn’t immediately lure you in as it did me, know that this dish is less grit and more risotto in consistency. Mmm, I’m getting hungry again just thinking about them.