It’s that time of year again! Easter Egg Time! Growing up me and my brother never really decorated Easter eggs. We may have done it once or twice, but we were spill-prone children so I imagine my parents wanted to avoid that activity all together. We were much more devoted to the Easter egg hunts since this offered yet another opportunity to compete (as the older sibling, I usually won… just sayin). But nowadays it’s a pinterest world and we’re just livin’ it. So every Spring I see gorgeous DIY posts about pretty little Easter Egg ideas and this year I’m jumping in with my own versions. Hope ya’ll enjoy!

Sharpie Easter Eggs
What You’ll Need:
Sharpie of one or several colors
Hard Boiled Eggs
1. Uncap Sharpie Marker
2. Do your thing

Tie-Dyed & Tied Up Easter Eggs
What You’ll Need:
Food Coloring or Egg Dye Kit
5 oz. water per color
1 Tbsp white vinegar per color
Hard Boiled Eggs
1. In a glass or styrofoam bowl (something that won’t stain or is disposable) mix water and vinegar (repeat for each desired color)
2. Add drops of food color or dye for desired color (fuchsia requires 18 drops of red and 2 drops of blue food coloring)
3. Once egg has been dipped, dyed, and dried, unspool about 2 ft. of yarn or string
4. Wrap string around egg multiple times; tie off with a bow

Paper Napkin Easter Eggs
What You’ll Need:
Decorative Paper Napkins
Modge Podge
Hard boiled Eggs
1. Unfold napkin and cut off excess or blank portions
2. Coat egg with modge podge
3. Wrap napkin around the egg; cut off excess (Note: there will be exposed egg on the backside)
4. Coat wrapped egg in top layer of modge podge then let dry

Tissue Paper Easter Eggs
What You’ll Need:
Colored Tissue Paper
Modge Podge
Hard Boiled Eggs
1. Cut tissue paper into small shapes (circles, squares, rectangles, etc.)
2. Coat small portions of the egg with modge podge; cover portion with layers of tissue paper pieces
3. Once egg is completely covered in paper pieces, coat egg in final layer of modge podge and let dry