Atlanta takes it’s brunching scene very seriously. It’s just what is done on Sunday. All day. No excuses. West Egg is located on the new up-and-coming West Side of Atlanta and is probably one of my most craved brunch spots. The typical 2 hour wait isn’t its best attribute but there is a photobooth in the waiting area so… go NUTS! But in all seriousness the food is absolutely amazing. I’m told they serve other meals besides brunch, but I crave those garlic grits way to much to order anything but brunch.
Brunch Beverages:
Like I said, the wait for a table can be, shall we say, extensive. But West Egg has a full service bar and bakery up front to keep you in the brunching mood. Whether you are in the mood for a morning jolt or a bit of the hair of the dog, West Egg will have you deliciously covered. I can personally attest that the hot chocolate can be a lifesaver on a cold morning.
Salmon Benedict: 
I tend to be a creature of habit when it comes to my meal going routine. The Salmon Cakes Benedict is far away my favorite brunch in the city. The salmon cakes are wonderfully crisp, the hollandaise is light and lemony, and I’ve never met a caper I didn’t like. Plus, their grits are simply perfect. Some go for the pimento cheese grits, but like I said, I’m all about the garlic grits.
Black Bean Breakfast:
While my salmon cakes benedict isn’t the healthiest option on the menu, West Egg does have some calorie and gluten friendly options. Several of my friends always go for the Black Bean Breakfast. They keep the cakes spicy and top off the eggs with some tasty salsa. You can also get the grits or you can venture out and try the skillet potatoes which are also muy delicioso!